Unicode 汉字与GB内码的转换 |
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使用时先将下面的码表存成文件,例如table.txt创建一个GBUnicode实例, new GBUnicode("table.txt") 以后调用GB2Uni和Uni2GB作内码转换.注意GB内码是用两个字节表示的. import java.io.*; import java.util.Hashtable; public class GBUnicode { byte high[]=new byte[6763],low[]=new byte[6763]; char unichar[]=new char[6763]; Hashtable UniGB; public GBUnicode(String table_file)throws IOException { BufferedInputStream tables= new BufferedInputStream(new FileInput(table_file)); DataInputStream tables=new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(table_file)); int i,n=0; byte b,bl,bh,num[]=new byte[20]; UniGB=new Hashtable(7000,1); while (n<6763 ) { do { bh=(byte)tables.read(); }while ((char)bh<=' '); //find first non-blank char bl=(byte)tables.read(); high[n]=bh; low[n]=bl; do{ b=(byte)tables.read(); }while (b!=(byte)':'); //find ':' do { b=(byte)tables.read(); }while ((char)b<=' '); //find next non-blank char to reaas number i=0; while ((char)b>='0' && (char)b<='9') { num[i++]=b; b=(byte)tables.read(); } unichar[n]=(char)Integer.parseInt(new String(num,0,0,i))); if (UniGB.get(new Character(unichar[n]))!= null) System.out.println("Duplicated : "+unichar[n]); UniGB.put(new Character(unichar[n]),new Integer(n)); n=n+1; } tables.close(); } private int getGBindex(byte high,byte low) { int i,j; i=high-(byte)0xb0; j=low-(byte)0xa1; if (i <39) { // L1 Chinese if (j<0 || j>94) return -1; return (i*94+j); } else if (i==39) { //one of the last 89 L1 Chinese if (j<0 || j>89) return -1; return (i*94+j); } else { //L2 Chinese if (j<0 || j>94) return -1; return (i*94+j-5); } } public byte[] Uni2GB(char unicode) { Integer index=(Integer)UniGB.get(new Character(unicode)); if (index==null) return null; byte ch[]=new byte[2]; ch[0]=high[index.intValue()]; ch[1]=low[index.intValue()]; return ch; } public char GB2Uni(byte high, byte low) { int index=getGBindex(high,low); if (index ==-1) //not GB Chinese return 0; return(unichar[index]); } } |
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